

  1. Life Membership
  2. Student Membership/Yearly Membership
  3. Institutional Membership (Academic)
  4. Institutional Membership (Industry)
  5. Donor Member

The following rights and privileges are available to the members of the society:

  1.  To be nominated for election to the Council
  2.  To vote and to nominate for election to the Council
  3.  To attend all general meetings and to vote at the Annual General Meeting
  4.  To receive copies of the publication of the society either free of cost or on such terms of payments as the council may decide from time to time
  5.  To serve on the various committees appointed by the Council


  1. Yearly members/Student members shall not have the right to nominate, to vote or to hold office.
  2. The fiscal year of the Society begins on 1st April. However, the annual fee for each year is due before the completion of one year from the date of receipt of annual fee. On completion of a year, yearly membership expires, and failing to pay the membership FEE before completion of the year will result in discontinuity of memberships. Application for membership should be made on the Society’s application form prescribed, with the appropriate remittance of the FEE to the Society’s Treasurer. Those desirous of becoming member of ISES should apply directly to the ESSI office. However, merely payment of fee does not guarantee membership and decision of the executive council will be the final.